
Access bookmarks

  1. Access your bookmarks by clicking the Bookmarks tab in the left side navigation.
  2. Here, you will see text of interest and charts that have been bookmarked. Learn how to bookmark content.

Filter bookmarks

  1. Organize your bookmarks using CoNote’s filter functionality, found at the top of the bookmarks page.
  2. Click All Bookmarks to access a dropdown where you can filter by type (text of interest or chart), or sort by date added.
  3. Click Filter by Interview or filter by theme to access a dropdown where you can view/hide related content by toggling labels on and off.
  4. Clear filters anytime by clicking Clear Filter in the drop down menu from the Funnel icons.

Search bookmarks

  1. Type any word in the search bar in the top right corner, and CoNote will surface bookmarks with associated content.
  2. Use backspace on your keyboard to remove search.

Add bookmarks to reports

  1. Access your bookmarks by clicking the Bookmarks tab in the left side navigation.
  2. Select bookmarks using the checkboxes on the left to enable story functionality.  
  3. Click +Existing Story to add the selected bookmark to an existing story, or + New Story to start a new story.

Add bookmarks from transcripts

  1. Select the Transcripts tab in the left side navigation.
  2. Click the thumbnail of the conversation you’d like to analyze.  This will bring up the transcript from that file.
  3. You can click any of the key moments surfaced by CoNote by selecting highlighted text. Associated themes, sentiment, and file clip will appear on the right side navigation.
  4. Save for later by hitting the bookmark icon in the top right corner of the quote card in the right side navigation.
  5. Access your bookmarks by clicking the Bookmarks tab in the left side navigation.

Add bookmarks from insights

  1. CoNote also supports bookmarking from the Themes & Keywords page.  
  2. From Themes & Keywords, you can select any of the themes & keywords identified by CoNote, and the right side navigation will populate with related moments from your transcripts.
  3. Select your text of interest. Associated themes, sentiment, and video or audio clip will appear on the right side navigation.
  4. Click the bookmark icon in the upper right corner of the quote card in the right side navigation to add a moment to your bookmarks collection.

Bookmark charts

  1. Click the Charts tab in the left side navigation.
  2. Here, you will see any charts associated with your synthesized project. Learn how to add charts.
  3. Add charts to bookmarks by clicking the bookmark icon on the right.

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