Synthesize & Analyze Your Data

Upload local files

With CoNote, you can also upload .mp4, .mp3, .m4a files directly from your computer.

To import local files

  1. Create or open an existing Project.
  2. Scroll down to the Add Interviews section.
  3. Click the Upload Files button.
  4. Select your files and hit open to upload.

Please note, CoNote accepts .mp4, .mp3, .m4a files with a minimum length of 2 minutes and maximum length of 4 hours for a single file.

Technical limitations

To make sure all users can benefit from the magic of CoNote, we have some data ceilings in place.

Don’t worry- based on our research, CoNote provides an initial working limit that covers most use cases. If the needs of your team exceed the limits below, please contact our sales team.

Our current technical limitations:

File upload


  • 5 gigabytes per file
  • 4 hours per file
  • Transcription takes time, please note that large files will have longer upload times


  • 60 minutes of content to synthesize



  • 20 hours of video
  • Up to 1,000 active projects per workspace
  • Up to 100 archived projects per workspace
  • 4 hours/file


  • 60 minutes of data to use synthesis


  • We get it! The need to socialize findings is massively important- we don’t limit downloads for charts


  • There is no limit on archived projects
  • Collaboration is a cornerstone of the way we work at CoNote- we don’t limit the number of teammates in your workspace, or the amount of text you highlight in the platform.

More Help

The CoNote Help Center is a comprehensive guide for all things CoNote.

Still curious? Reach out to our support team using the Messenger in the bottom right corner of this web browser.

Synthesize your files

Put away the sticky notes. CoNote’s AI engine is freaky good. When you’re ready to understand the threads of your unstructured data, ask our proprietary AI engine to synthesize it for you:

  1. Once you have uploaded at least 60 minutes of qualitative data, click the Synthesize button.
  2. Transcription takes time—do a little dance, have a little treat- you’re on the way to actionable insight.
  3. From here, you’ll see your Insights.

Create a project summary

During synthesis, CoNote identifies commonalities between the data. An overall summary of the uploaded files will appear on your project details page.

Project Summary example

Introduce your work with Project summaries

  1. Select Create New Story or Add to Existing Story under the Overall Summary.
  2. Visit any tab on the left side navigation to continue working, or click Stories to view your presentation.

Understand insights

Bring objectivity into your research—CoNote turns strings quantitative components into vectors, and then seeks commonalities between them.  

View and Understand Themes & Keywords

  1. Click the Themes & Keywords tab in your left side navigation.
  2. CoNote surfaces and ranks themes based upon their relationship to entered project goals- if you did not enter goals, the themes are ranked based on topic frequency.
  3. View keywords related to each theme by clicking anywhere in the theme textbox, or by using the downward carrot to the right of each theme. These are ranked by the number of times each word is said within each transcript.
  4. Jump to each keyword in your transcripts by selecting the keyword you want to view, and CoNote will surface the full quote in context.
  5. Click View transcript and dive directly into the relevant portion of the related conversation- complete with your video and audio queued to this moment as well.
  6. Want to embed these clips into a presentation or save them for later? Jump to our Stories & Bookmarks Tutorial.

Edit Themes & Keywords

Sometimes, as a researcher, it’s important to speak to your audience in their own language.

Edit themes using these steps.

  1. Click the Insights tab in left side navigation.
  2. Click the Themes tab.
  3. Click the name of the theme you would like to edit.
  4. Change the title as needed.
  5. Hit the gray check mark next to your new title.
  6. Boom! Your theme is now updated. Please note, CoNote does not support keyword editing.

Import Zoom cloud recordings

Connecting your Zoom account allows CoNote to import your recordings, transcribe, and analyze for themes and insights.

Connect your Zoom account

To connect your Zoom account:

  1. Click the Settings icon in the top right of the screen.
  2. Click Integrations in the left side navigation.
  3. In the Zoom section, click Connect Zoom.
  4. Log into Zoom with your Zoom account details.
  5. Click Authorize.

Granting access to your individual user meeting recordings and Zoom user details is necessary when connecting Zoom to CoNote. This information enables CoNote to display and import your cloud recordings, as well as link your Zoom user account with CoNote.

If you encounter issues in connecting the correct Zoom account, you can resolve this by logging out of Zoom in your web browser and then following the steps above.

Import recording into CoNote

After you have connected your Zoom account, recordings can be imported into CoNote on the Project Details page.

To import your cloud recording:

  1. Create or open an existing Project.
  2. Scroll down to the Add Video & Audio Files section.
  3. Click Import from Zoom button.
  4. Choose the cloud recording.

Disconnecting your Zoom account

To disconnect your Zoom account from CoNote:

  1. Click the Settings icon in the top right of the screen.
  2. Click Integrations in the left side navigation.
  3. In the Zoom section, click Disconnect Zoom.

If you disconnect CoNote from Zoom, we will no longer have access to your Zoom user information or cloud recordings. However, any recordings that you have previously imported into CoNote will not be removed and will continue to be available in CoNote.

Troubleshooting your Zoom account

When using a single Zoom account with multiple individuals in your organization, it's crucial to connect the account with only one CoNote account. If multiple users connect to the same Zoom account, it can cause integration issues and disrupt previous connections on CoNote.

In case you encounter such issues, you can reset the connection by disconnecting your Zoom account from CoNote. After disconnection, you can log back into your CoNote account and reconnect your Zoom account to avoid further issues.

Questions about permissions or getting started?
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Import Google Drive recordings

Connecting your Google Drive can speed your time to insights- gone are the days of search, download, and re-upload. Set up your integration to access existing files and analyze them with CoNote.

To Connect your Google Drive

  1. Click the settings icon in the top right of the screen.
  2. Click Integrations in the left side navigation.
  3. In the Google Drive section, click Connect Google Drive.
  4. If you use multiple accounts, choose the one where your research files live.
  5. Click allow  to give CoNote access to your files. We will never access files that you do not select for synthesis. For more on our data privacy policy, check out our data security page.

Granting permission to see and download your Google Drive files is necessary to connect Google Drive to CoNote. This information allows CoNote to display and import your recordings, as well as link your Google Drive account with CoNote.

Import Google Drive Files

After you have connected your Google Drive  account, recordings can be imported directly into CoNote on the Project Details page.

To import your Google Drive files:

  1. Create or open an existing Project.
  2. Scroll down to the Add Video & Audio Files section.
  3. Click the Import from Google Drive button.
  4. Google Drive will automatically surface your .mp4 files. Choose the video file you would like to analyze in CoNote, and hit select.
  5. To import files another way, hit cancel.

Please note, CoNote accepts .mp4, .mp3, .m4a files with a minimum length of 2 minutes and maximum length of 4 hours for a single file.

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